Privacy policy

In the interests of complying with the legal regulations governing personal data protection and privacy, Nettoyeur de la Cité wishes to exercise complete transparency regarding how we handle your personal information. Therefore, the following provisions will apply each time you visit any section of our website.

Scope and application

This privacy policy applies to all of the personal information our company gathers from or generates regarding our clients and other persons (including potential clients) with whom we do business. From the first moment you do business with Nettoyeur de la Cité, whether by participating in a promotion or sweepstakes or engaging in any other interaction with our company, you are protected by the rights and guarantees established in this privacy policy and you accept and agree to your obligation to observe the terms contained herein.

This privacy policy also governs any personal information that our company gathers from visitors to our websites and explains how we use and disclose that information.

For purposes of this privacy policy, the term “personal information” encompasses all personally identifiable information, including your banking and credit information, your invoice records, your identity and all information related thereto, your IP address, your user credentials and any metadata that makes it possible to identify you personally. We do not consider aggregated data to be personal information when it cannot be associated with a specific person.

Collection and use of personal information

Nettoyeur de la Cité collects most of the information regarding you directly from you, either with your consent or as required by law, for example, in the case of online requests for appointments, requests for estimates, requests for information, sweepstakes entries, questionnaires, surveys and special promotions. Nettoyeur de la Cité also gathers personal information in the ways described below.

  • Through Google Analytics: Google Analytics enables us to obtain information regarding activities related to our website, including page views, traffic sources and time spent on the website. Google anonymizes and transmits this information in the form of statistics.
  • Through Google Ads: We use Google Ads Remarketing to advertise our business on the internet and to display advertisements on third-party websites (including Google) to people who have previously visited our website. Google Ads Remarketing installs a cookie on the user’s browser in order to display targeted advertising in accordance with the sections of our company website the user has viewed. This cookie does not identify the user or provide access to the user’s computer or mobile device.

In general, our company gathers personal information from our clients and other people with whom we do business and subsequently uses that information for the following purposes:

  • To establish, consolidate and maintain business relations with our clients and other people with whom we do business
  • To create and manage the accounts of our clients and respond to the requests of our clients and providers
  • To provide the products and services we offer, receive the products and services we request and ensure that all transactions are performed correctly
  • To verify the identity and maintain the confidentiality of clients who communicate with our company, whether by telephone, electronically or otherwise
  • To conduct market research, provide internal training and perform quality assurance
  • To ascertain or verify, when necessary, the credit standing of those who use or wish to acquire a product or service our company offers
  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations and fulfill the contractual requirements related to the products and services we provide to our clients
  • To understand and evaluate the changing interests, desires and needs of our clients
  • To improve our current products and services and develop new ones
  • To offer personalized products and services and recommend products and services to our clients
  • To conduct studies (subject to clients’ right to withdraw their consent) related to the quality of our products, services or customer service or to offer clients other products and services that may interest them and that, in our judgement, respond to their changing needs

In the case of applications for employment, Nettoyeur de la Cité will only use the provided personal information for purposes of recruiting the applicant, informing the applicant of an available position or furthering the applicant’s professional development. Our company does not gather or use personal information for any other purpose without the individual’s consent, except as permitted by law.

Customer consent

With regard to those who are subject to the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information, Nettoyeur de la Cité employs various means to obtain their consent, including in person and through written documents, such as agreements, forms and communications in printed or electronic format. The type of consent our company requests may vary according to the sensitivity of the personal information, people’s reasonable expectations and the criteria and regulations established by law.

By subscribing to one of our services or submitting information in relation to the purchase of our products and services, you are giving us your consent to gather, use and disclose your personal information in the manner stipulated in this privacy policy. Furthermore, by visiting and using our website, you agree to the protections and obligations set forth herein.

We may gather, use or disclose your information without your consent under certain exceptional circumstances, including the following:

  • When it is clearly in your best interests and we cannot obtain your consent in a timely manner, for example, in the event of an emergency, if your life, health or security are in jeopardy or if obtaining your consent is impossible or impractical for legal, medical or security-related reasons
  • When it is necessary to gather, use or disclose the information in order to detect, prevent or rectify fraudulent activity, violation of an agreement or any other illegal act whenever obtaining consent could contravene the objectives of collecting the information
  • When the information is necessary in order to collect on a debt
  • When the information is necessary in order to comply with a warrant, subpoena or other court order or if a law or a competent regulatory authority requires or permits obtaining the information

Right to withdraw your consent

Subject to any applicable legal or contractual restrictions, upon providing reasonable notice, you may withdraw your consent at any time, particularly with regard to the uses indicated below.

  • Email marketing and telemarketing communications and communications related to quality control: you may request that our company refrain from using your personal information to promote new or additional products and services that may interest you, and you may refuse to accept email or telephone communications from our company in relation to quality control.
  • Electronic communications for commercial purposes: you may opt out by clicking on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email communications. Please note that, even if you unsubscribe from promotional messages, we may still communicate with you to notify you of important information regarding your account or for other purposes as permitted or required by law.

Disclosure of your personal information

We may make your personal information available to third parties or service providers in order to fulfill the objectives for which we gathered the information or in compliance with this privacy policy. We will not sell, lease or otherwise provide your personal information to any third party. However, we may disclose your information, as permitted by law, under the circumstances indicated below.

  • To subcontract certain services to external providers: We may call on service providers, including affiliated companies, to provide services on behalf of our company. These providers may be individuals or organizations that we have selected to perform certain tasks in our stead. We will provide only such information as is necessary in order for them to provide the required services. It is unlawful for these parties to use the information for any purposes other than those for which we entrusted it to them. These service providers may not disclose the information to any third parties.
  • To comply with legal requirements: Our company may at times be under obligation to disclose personal information in order to comply with a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, search warrant, administrative investigation or other legally valid request. We may also disclose the information to our accountants, auditors, agents and attorneys in order to safeguard or enforce our rights. Furthermore, we reserve the right to alert law enforcement agencies as to any activity we deem in good faith to be in violation of the law. We may disclose certain personal information if we have reasonable grounds to believe that doing so is necessary in order to protect the rights, assets or security of other people or ourselves, in accordance with the law.
  • To perform commercial transactions: We may disclose personal information to a third party in the context of a sale, a merger or corporate restructuring, a transfer of commercial activities or assets or a process related to financing a portion of our business activities. However, we require the party receiving the information to observe the provisions of this privacy policy and to use and disclose your personal information exclusively in the manners established herein.

Privacy on the website

This privacy policy solely governs the use and disclosure of personal information on the part of Nettoyeur de la Cité. Other websites you may access through our website have their own privacy policies and practices with regard to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. We urge you to read the privacy statements on these third-party websites before transmitting any information, accepting any offers or participating in any promotions.

Transferring personal information outside of Canada

In some cases, it may be necessary to transfer, process, or store personal information outside of Canada. Consequently, the information may be available to the administrative authorities in those countries by virtue of their national legislation. Nettoyeur de la Cité strives to protect this personal information through contracts requiring these third parties to respect the confidential nature of the information, adopt appropriate security procedures and implement protective measures that are at least equivalent to those our company employs.

Security of personal information

Nettoyeur de la Cité utilizes reasonable safeguards in order to protect your personal information against unauthorized access. To this end, we have implemented security measures of an administrative, technical and physical nature.

Data storage

Except in such cases as prescribed or permitted by law, we will only store personal information for the period that is necessary in order to accomplish the objectives for which we gathered it and obtained consent. We will destroy, delete or anonymize any personal information that is not necessary for accomplishing the intended objectives or such objectives as prescribed or permitted by law. Our company has implemented a method for storing and destroying personal information in such a way as to prevent unauthorized access.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or the personal information that you have entrusted to us, or if you wish to file a complaint regarding the enforcement of this policy, you may contact the person or persons our company has designated to ensure compliance herewith. You can reach them by email at or by telephone at  877 638-6824

Modification of the privacy policy

Our company may update our policies and procedures at any time in order to comply with current rules and regulations, utilize new technologies or respond to the concerns of our clients. Whenever we modify our privacy policy, we will promptly display any changes on our website.

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